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Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The scope of health is being broadened as the people are understanding its importance day by day.At first ,health education used to denote school,home and community,but now it is broadly taken.Scope of health education is described as follows.

on social and cultural point of view,scope of health education is taken to the place where people pass more time in group.Home,school and community come under it.

HOME:Home is considered as first school of a child.A child shares more and more experiences of health from here.He can learn many things about health from the behaviours of parents,brothers and sisters.A child learns many experiences from home like personal hygiene ,sanitation of room,timely eating,timely sleeping,responsibility towards family and other experiences.As the children learn many things from home,head of the household should bring the programmes which develops positive concepts of the family members towards health.We should also transfer the learning in order to improve the health of family and neighbour.

SCHOOL: School is an institution which provides the health experiences formally or informally.Clean school environment influences guardians or any other visitors of society .There are various examples of improvement of school environment due to the teacher's visit to any other school with better and healthy environment.We learn many health experiences from school like keeping the environment clean,playing in particular time,participation in sanitation campaign,utilizing the health services in schools,taking tiff in without making the surrounding dirty,keeping the classroom clean,etc.The students staying in healthy environment into school can also maintain the same healthy environment into school can also maintain the same environment in their home.We should identify our civilization and culture through proper sanitation of own school and home.

COMMUNITY:Another scope of health is community.Mass meeting,ceremony, Guthi,industries,and factories,praying groups,clubs,institutions,hospitals ,office,etc .come under community.These places are also the scope of health education because we can also learn health experiences from them.We can be directly benefited from such activity,There are various examples that community people are not properly getting locally available health services due to lack of knowledge,illiteracy.Therefore,we can also run various health activities in our community.We have to identify our ability for this. We can get memorable satisfaction with the achievement of the programme run our initiation.


Health education is not complete itself and it is influenced by other subject like the influence of health education to other subjects.The subjects which are influenced by health education,also come under the scope of health education.Divert observation in learning motivation and learning processes are related to psychology.Misconception on health, tradition, value and norms,supervision,group dynamic come under sociology.Similarly medicine, anthropology, human biology, human science, population education, environment education,physical education can in any way provide some health related knowledge.Therefore,all those subjects come under scope of the health education.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


People desire to be healthy but they are somehow unable to do so.Sound health is not so god gifted.We should continuously make effort to attain it because minor mistakes may lead to death.We are familiar with the condition in which people are living poorly due to morbidity.Therefore,we should be conscious and alert to our health.Some of the people are unknown to basic knowledge or unknowingly adopt unhygienic behaviour.Such behaviour cannot be improved without changing their view with adequate proper guidance.In this way,we cannot be healthy without improving our unhealthy behaviour.With the health education,we can maintain healthy life changing such unhealthy behaviour.

Large number of people die to communicable diseases like cholera,diarrhoea,typhoid,tuberculosis,pneumonia, developing countries like Nepal.Majority of the death is under 5 children.The diseases cannot suffer us,if we are conscious.But we are calling on various such diseases because of our ignorance,superstitious tradition and culture.It is scientifically proved that the diseases are not caused by the curse of god and goddess and they are curable with timely treatment.Health education teaches us safety as well as preventive measures.In this way,the importance of health education is increasing day by day as it teaches us to live happily by increasing knowledge,attitude and skills regarding to health.

  • It teaches us to be healthy
  • It develops the positive attitude and views regarding health
  • It motivates towards adopting healthy behaviour
  • It helps to adopt preventive,curative and pro motive health measures,etc

Monday, June 28, 2010


Public health condition in our country is not satisfactory.Health facilities are not available to all.There are not sufficient hospitals,health centers and health posts.The number of doctors,nurses and health workers is too small.There is lack of medical apparatus in hospitals.Most medicine have to be imported.If a man is seriously ill,he has to go to other countries for treatment.Diseases which have disappeared from European countries still occur in Nepal

Due to lack of education,people in villages are ignorant.So when they are ill, they,instead of going to hospital or a private,go to a witch-doctor for the recovery from illness.He gives them some ashes or flower or a talisman.In many cases,patients lose their lives.

According to 2056/57 data, there are 83 hospitals,health centers ,711 health posts,3179 sub health posts ,160 primary health centers and 1259 doctors in Nepal.(International forum,Annual Issue 2051 )

Other organization and institutions are involved in healthy services.Important among them are Nepal Paropakar Sanstha ,Nepal Red cross society ,Family planning association of Nepal ,National Tuberculosis centers,etc.World health organization ,United mission to Nepal,International Nepal Fellowship have been making valuable contributions to health services.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Health education is an educational process which is related to the positive change of knowledge,attitude and behaviour related to health.Without changing the unhealthy behaviour,we can't attain good health.

Alma-Alta deceleration(1978) of WHO has defined health education as "a process aimed at encouraging people to want to be healthy, to know how to stay healthy, to do what they can individually and collectively to maintain health and to seek health when needed." (WHO,1978)

The national conference on preventive medicine in USA has defined as "Health education is a process that informs,motivates and helps people to adopt and maintain healthy practises and life style,advocates environmental changes as needed facilitate this goal and conducts professional training and research to the same end. "

WHO export committee on health education define:"Health education is a process which enables the individuals and group of individuals to realize their health needs and match them to necessary health behaviours with change in knowledge,attitude and behaviour of people.In this most useful form, it is concentrated on the development of such practices as believe to attain the best possible state of well-being. "(WHO,Technical Report,1954)

In conclusion, health education is the translation of what is known about health into desirable individuals and community behaviour pattern by means of an educational process.In other words, it is concerned with the change in knowledge,attitude and behaviour of people in order to attain good health.

Friday, June 25, 2010


World health organization (WHO) has defined as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well being not merely an absence of disease or infirmity."

The above definition emphasizes on three aspects-physical health, mental health and social health.
Physical health refers physical development and fitness.It is also necessary to maintain the balance between appropriate development of various physiological organs and efficiency in the various system of body .

Healthy thinking and proper mental development is related to mental health. Only mentally healthy individuals can take accurate decision with healthy thing in various situation .Behaviour of individual and society is closely related to social health . The ability of person towards intimacy,co-operation ,behaviour,leadership and friendship infers the social health.

Definition of WHO has mentioned about optimum health status .It is usual to fluctuate our health. Sometimes we become quite healthy and sometimes not.Our effort always should be towards achieving optimum health .In short,ability to achieve Soc-economically prosperous life is in fact to be healthy.

Health means physical and mental fitness. It is the most valuable wealth.There is good saying "when wealth is lost, nothing is lost;when education is lost,something is lost ;but when health is lost,everything is lost."Health is a fundamental need of human beings.Health facility has been accepted as a human right.Healthy man power is a great blessing.Healthy people can efficiently work in office,factories,schools and other fields.On the contrary,unhealthy people can not do either physical or mental work

Good health is the integration of multi-dimensional qualities.Self developing qualities which enhance the social health are the qualities of healthy people :
  • Feeling pleasant
  • Vigour
  • anxiety less
  • social well
  • feeling of hunger and sound sleep
  • cheerfulness
  • self confidence and control
  • healthy thinking
  • mutual co-operation

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Patriotism. A well-meaning word that has become much more controversial and dirty than ever intended. "Patriotism" is something that, in its most common form, I have a real problem with. I hate to see people waving national flags about, or soldiers marching off to war under the pretence that they're protecting their country. Or arguments over which country grows the best oranges, or has the biggest GDP. I almost feel that patriotism is no longer a respect and love for your country, but a disrespect and hatred towards other countries. It's edging closer and closer to nationalism.

Patriotism is a very powerful political tool, and there are plenty of examples of how nations have become great and powerful because of it. Looking at recent history, the most clear example in my mind is Nazi Germany. Well constructed propaganda created raging patriots out of the members of a ruined nation. Germans were told to love their country, and long for it to be returned to its former glory. What they needed was some solid leadership, inspiring speeches, flattering compliments, and plenty of fluff on the top such as impressive marches, military maneuvres and national anthems. They were given all this, and Germany was turned into a land of patriots. Their leaders then had a great tool with which to fulfill their own dreams. But that is patriotism in its most unpleasant form. Not only a love of one's country, but a hatred towards others and a lust for an increase to their country's power at the expense of others. Thankfully, we don't see that kind of patriotism today, at least not on a large and threatening scale.

On 11th of September the world stopped spinning for a few hours, and vast numbers of people united in shock and grief. There were a few exceptions, but on the whole a world full of hatred looked for one moment at a single point, with a single thought. And patriotism was nowhere to be seen. It didn't matt
er if you wern't American, everyone was shocked and saddened by the loss of human life. Now, over a month later, American patriotism is more inflated and sickening than ever before, and that's certainly saying something. The USA was born out of rebellion, and the early Americans held a love for their country, that was, at last, truly theirs -- and, I might add, not at all wrongly. Unfortunately, this idea has continued through the generations, and many (but certainly not all) Americans have become victims of what is, for want of a better word, propaganda. The US is full of patriots, and this can be used as a great tool. Thankfully I very much doubt President Bush could possibly compare with the likes of Hitler, but the power is used in different ways -- the American public are, on the whole, happy to watch their warplanes and their troops go to a far-away country that they probably knew very little about, to wage war against a country they don't really hate. The sense of revenge amongst some (I stress the "some") Americans is sickening, and it all comes from the patriotism and love towards their country that they have grown up with. It's not their fault that they believe America to be the greatest country on the planet, with a righteous role to use war to combat terrorism -- it's become part of the American psyche to believe "America is best" and "God loves America", an inescapable form of propaganda almost. While this can be a good thing, I find it unhelpful.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Patriotism is a growing concern in our nation today. One of the ways to teach children patriotism is to have them be in an informative play or program. Many schools and teachers are looking for programs to fit this description that are easy to put on and take very little practice time to present. With all the teaching and testing that teachers are required to do for the “No Child Left Behind” idea. It has left them with little time to do the creative programs for their students. Even though these are the activities that children will remember they are the ones that are being eliminated from schools.
Patriotic programs also need to teach and educate students in a creative way about their country. The programs or plays show them just what a priceless gift freedom is for them to celebrate and embrace. Teaching them about respect for their flag, country and other patriotic symbols such as the Statue of Liberty, The Liberty Bell, The Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial is important for patriotism to take root in young children.
There are many holidays that students could participate in patriotic programs. Just a few are Constitution Day in September, Veterans Day in November, Election Day, in November, Pearl Harbor Day in December, Columbus Day in October, Martin Luther King Jr. Day in January, Presidents Day in February, Memorial Day in May, and of course July 4th in July. All of these times are special events that call for some patriotic program and it helps us appreciate our freedom more. Another more recent day is 9/11 in September to remember those people who serve our country
Nothing instills patriotism more than a good patriotic song. There are so many on the market today that it is not hard to find something to fit any patriotic program. Another must for a patriotic program is a good power point presentation showing our flag, or maybe even all the flags that have flown over the United States. A good power point can make students feel how important that flag really is to them. One of the things that I like in programs to teach patriotism is to always start the program with the scouts posting the Colors of the United States of America. One years we had taps played and the students really enjoyed that, also.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Throughout history, patriotic feeling has often been linked to religion. At various points in history, particularly in time of war, various relations of religion and patriotism have prevailed.


In one variant, patriotic participants in a war acknowledge that the enemy worships the same god, but judge that this god is on their own side, thus providing the external justification for patriotism noted just above. This is perhaps a fair characterization of the attitude of many of the participants in the American civil war or most of the fronts of the first world war. Another variant is for each side to worship different gods, acknowledge that the other side’s god exists, and believe that their own god is superior. This may have characterized the conflicts between the ancient Israelites and their Canaanite opponents, as narrated in the Old testament. Yet another version of religious patriotism is the belief that a god or set of gods is on one’s side, and that the god or gods of the other side simply do not exist. This view often characterized the beliefs of the European powers during the colonialist period, when their armies often fought against pagan opponents.

Under any of these circumstances, religion can provide a satisfactory account to its believers for what otherwise would be a paradox, namely, that both sides in a conflict can feel patriotic at the same time. The idea would be that the other side is in fact fighting against God’s will, and thus can be considered to be engaged in a false kind of patriotism.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Different people in this world have different opinions towards whether patriotism is morally good or not.Often,these opinions vary according to what sort of patriotism is involved.

Some instance of patriotism induce almost universal admiration.The possible examples of patriotism,in 1940,a number of Dutch soldiers gave their lives in a hopeless cause attempting to defend the Netherlands from invading Nazi armies.This act would be considered by almost everyone to be clear case of selfless,admirable patriotism.


Love of country; devotion to the welfare of one's country; the virtues and actions of a patriot; the passion which inspires one to serve one's country.

Related Definitions:
Patriotism Quotations
Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately I hate them!
Albert Einstein
Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.
George Washington
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it. Mark Tawin

You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.
Malcolm X

Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.
Oscar Wilde

Each nation feels superior to other nations. That breeds patriotism - and wars.
Dale Carnagie

Friday, June 18, 2010



Patriotism means love for one's country and is devoted to defined it.Persons having the feeling of Patriotism is a Patriot. Selfish people cannot be patriots because a patriot always stands for nation's willing rather than his personal desire and interest.

Patriotism is a great virtue.The land where a man is born and brought up,whose tradition and culture build his personality ,is dearer than his life to him . It is said that the mother and mother land are superior even to heaven . Most of the people respect and love their country from the core of their heart . Patriots are ready to bear hardships and sacrifice their lives for the betterment of country . They fight for liberty of the nation .Their names are recorded in the golden words in the history of the country . They are also liked and respected by all.

A true Patriot has sincere desire to save his nation . He can never tolerate the interference of the other countries into the national affairs .He is ready to raise voice against the foreign interference.In contrast to his ,a selfish person may be rich but not happy. Nobody respects him. Selfish person is unsung,unwelcome,and not honoured . After his death ,he is forgotten.Selfish person is a man of no principle and character . He always tries to take personal benefits against the welfare of nation.